Most of the documentation is a snapshot of the old Namesys site (, 2007-09-29).

There was also a Reiser4 Wiki (, 2007-07-06) once on

Reiser4 development appears to have stalled and ReiserFS is deprecated and scheduled to be removed from mainline Linux in 2025.

Reiser4 FS Wiki:About

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This Wiki (currently available under exists to document development of the ReiserFS and Reiser4 filesystems.

As the header states, quite a few pages are copies of the last working copy of the Wayback Machine from the original sources - the site. However, as the time of writing (and since creation of this wiki, 2009-06-25), the original content is not accessible any more. As the pages were created, the first changelog entry usually lists the original source where the content was copied from (example: Reiser4).

Please refer to the copyrights page for details.

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