Most of the documentation is a snapshot of the old Namesys site (, 2007-09-29).

There was also a Reiser4 Wiki (, 2007-07-06) once on

Reiser4 development appears to have stalled and ReiserFS is deprecated and scheduled to be removed from mainline Linux in 2025.


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Edward posted the following on 2016-08-01 to reiserfs-devel:

Well, first of all I suggest to rename it, as the term "subvolume" is already reserved for the parts of reiser4 logical volumes, that I am currently working on. How about "storage containers", or simply "containers"?

So a container is an isolated semantic subtree associated with some reiser4 partition and rooted with some directory (let's call it container's root). Isolation means that container's root doesn't have a parent, and, hence, can not be accessible by ->lookup() during tree traversal (the procedure of name resolution). Thus, container's root looks like the volume's root (which also doesn't have a parent). So we already know how to create container's root: we just need to create a directory, which is similar to volume's root.


Creating a container

Every object in reiser4 has locality, which actually is object-id of the parent. Since container's root (like volume's root) doesn't have a parent, we should assign the same dummy locality FORMAT40_ROOT_LOCALITY (decimal 41) to the container's root.

Directories in reiser4 as well as other objects are created by the function create_vfs_object(). Specifically, for every new directory this function creates: a) stat-data of the new directory; b) cde-item with two units (entries "." and "..").

The problem is that create_vfs_object() thinks of every new object as a child of volume's root, whereas container's root is not a child. So we'll need to work around this - simply don't perform any actions intended for the parent (updating number of links, size of the parent, etc).

The next problem is that there is no dedicated system call to create containers, so we'll need to create a special user-space utility as a part of reiser4progs for this, and implement a respective ioctl in reiser4 kernel module. That utility should accept a mount point, that reiser4 partition (that we want to create a container on) is mounted at. Upon successful creation, the utility should return object-id of the new container.

Mounting a container

Every newly created container (like every object in reiser4) gets a unique object-id. This object-id should be passed to mount(8) among other parameters to inform Reiser4 kernel module, that we want to mount a certain container. It can be done, for example, by a mount option. There are examples how to implement a reiser4 mount option, which require a parameter (object-id of container's root in our case). I think that we need something like SB_FIELD_OPT (see init_super.c). The new option should set the passed container's id to the reiser4 superblock.

By default (if no container's id was specified) reiser4 mount procedure will looks for the root, which have the object-id FORMAT40_ROOT_OBJECTID. If you specified an object-id by mount option, then it will look for the respective container's root. In other bits mounting volume and containers are absolutely similar.

Unmounting a container

No differences with unmounting a volume.

Deleting a container

rm -rf mountpoint in proper mount session, then unmount the container and finally remove the container's root (i.e. empty container) by the user-space utility. The respective ioctl implementation in reiser4 kernel module should locate and remove the following objects: a) container's stat-data b) cde-item with two entries: ".", and ".."


1) If container is not empty, then the utility should return error (suggest user to delete container's content in a proper mount session).

2) Deleting an empty container should be performed in a mount session for some another container. Otherwise, return error.

3) Volume and containers associated with the same reiser4 partition are distinguishable only by object-id. Volumes are containers which always have object-id FORMAT40_ROOT_OBJECTID (decimal 42). In all other bits containers and volumes are identical. So, you can easily remove an empty volume like a container by specifying that object-id (decimal 42). The condition (2) will guarantee that reiser4 partition will have at least one root (to prevent corruption).

4) If the volume (i.e. container with object-id 42) was deleted, then mount(8) with no container's id specified will fail because of inability to find the default root. So after deleting the volume you will always need to specify container's id at mount time.

Print a list of containers of a Reiser4 partition

Find all roots with locality FORMAT40_ROOT_LOCALITY on the specified partition and print their object-ids. This is also a business of user-space utility.

I suggest to create one utility with the name "container.reiser4" for all needs with the following synopsis:

container.reiser4 -c mountpoint                 # create a container on the mounted partition.
container.reiser4 -d object-id mountpoint       # delete a container with specified object-id from the mounted partition.
container.reiser4 -l mountpoint                 # print a list of all containers of the mounted partition.

Fsck and containers

Current fsck will swear on the containers. I'll help to make it happy. Fsck should perform semantic passes in parallel (for all the containers of the partition). The pleasant bonus is that many containers on the same partition will make the partition check faster.

Basically, that's all. After mounting a container you'll be able to access it in "rw", or "ro" modes, depending on how it was mounted - everything is the same as for usual volumes.

Ah, reiser4_lookup() will require a minor modification to fall into proper container (I didn't check the code, but think that without modifications it will always fall into "default" root with object-id 42).

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